Nick Vujicic. Be strong. You can overcome violence



NICK VUJCIC — the most famous motivational speaker, director of the non-profit organization Life Without Limbs, created to help people with disabilities. He was born without arms and legs, but he is completely independent and lives a full, busy life: he has completed two higher educations, writes on his computer at a speed of 43 words per minute on his own, surfs, plays golf, enjoys fishing, swimming and even diving from a springboard into the water. Nick travels around the world a lot, inspiring millions of people, talking about how to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. He lives in Southern California with his wife Kanae and son Kyoshi.

Nick Vujicic has experienced firsthand what it's like to be persecuted and insulted: without arms and legs, he has been ridiculed and bullied more than once. But he has always been able to deal with his opponents.

After reading the book, you will learn how to:

  • turn harassment into a great opportunity (yeah, yeah, honestly!) ;
  • create a security zone within yourself;
  • monitor your emotions and control your own reactions to them;
  • develop a strategy to protect yourself from bullying;
  • become a nightmare for your stalker;
  • help others who are suffering from persecution
  • be the master of your own life.

Nick Vujicic's protection system

  • Abusers can't harm me or change my self-image, because it's only me who forms it. I know who I am and what I'm doing.
  • I don't let anyone ruin my mood. I'm responsible for my own happiness.
  • My values are unwavering. I have a life plan based on them.
  • I draw my strength from within, and no stalker can shake my confidence.
  • I know my family and friends will support me. And I'm always ready to support them.
  • I'm aware of my emotions, especially my anger and fear. I control my reactions to them and maintain a positive attitude in my thoughts and actions.
  • My spiritual life is wide and deep. I know I'm built for a high purpose. God loves me just the way I am. Where I am weak, my Creator is strong.
  • I find positive aspects to every difficult situation — even persecution.
  • I try to help others at every opportunity, especially those who are bullied of any kind.

Nick Vujicic's lecture “Overcoming Despair” (or “Turning Walls into Doors”)

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