How to help someone with depression


I am happy to present to you a book by a friend and consultant on our site, Taras Ivashchenko, a certified psychotherapist from Riga, and his colleague, certified psychologist Natalia Morozova “Chameleon Girl. Living with a mental illness and a history of recovery.” The hard copy of the book was published in Latvian by ZvaigzneABC and received good reviews from experts and readers. And now the book is available in Russian on LitRes.

The uniqueness of this fictionalized psychology manual is that it is told from the perspective of a young girl with severe depression, which was exacerbated by a guilt complex and suicidal tendencies after being raped. The confession of the heroine of the book, Kira, is collective. Psychotherapist Taras Ivashchenko and psychologist Natalia Morozova summarized their many years of experience with those who were affected by this serious illness - depression.
And we have the opportunity through Kira's eyes to see how personality is gradually being destroyed, to immerse ourselves with her into her frightening everyday life, into her terrible thoughts. This book will be useful not only for professionals, but also for people whose family and friends are currently depressed. Very often we do not pay attention to the oppressed state of our family and friends. It seems to us that they take their temporary difficulties too personally. We tend to avoid even thinking that our loved one may develop a mental illness. We brush off their complaints and recommend that they go to the pool or go to the movies to “unwind” somehow. But few people know that these tips will not help with prolonged depression! Sometimes we tend to blame our children for being lazy, for getting out of hand, without paying attention to the “bell rings” that tell us how to recognize mental illness. My students sometimes admit to me that they are depressed and cannot bring themselves to study properly, read books, or watch movies. Sometimes they admit that they are having suicidal thoughts... When I try to recommend that parents go to a specialist to help their child, some parents brush it off saying, “I was also depressed when I was her age. We don't need brains.”

Unfortunately, parents are unable to recognize depression in their child. They mistake his deviant behavior for negative manifestations of “adolescence”. Meanwhile, depression, like an evil force from fantasy movies, subordinates the minds of our loved ones to its will and induces them to do terrible things that threaten their health and lives. And we still don't notice what hell they're living in. And their Hell exists in parallel with our prosperous life, which, it would seem, has everything to enjoy...

The book by Taras Ivashchenko and Natalia Morozova will help you understand the state in which a person is depressed. This is a difficult book, but every page of it is illuminated with rays of hope - the doctor and psychologist comment on Kira's feelings, on her inner monologue, helping readers navigate her conditions. And these professional comments and recommendations help heroin and readers find a path to recovery and mental health. Only long-term work with a specialist helps people with severe depression return to normal life and begin to perceive life in all its happy variety of states of mind and body.

The practical significance of the book lies not only in the comments of specialists who create an atmosphere for the reader to interview a doctor and psychologist, but also in a list of useful links to help centers, books and films that tell about the lives of people on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The book will also be of interest to those who want to understand themselves on their own or are already undergoing therapy, as well as to friends and relatives of those who are struggling to find peace of mind. The book has an age limit of 18+ and is not recommended for those who are severely depressed.

From reviews on LitRes: “While reading a book, you can live with the main character of her trauma, as well as analyze your psychological trauma, which everyone probably has. The book also helps you learn to understand and manage your emotions. At some point in reading it, somewhere in the middle of the book, I felt overwhelmed. But I really managed to live through my psychological trauma; now I even feel at ease and feel like I'm growing up psychologically. I recommend reading it to those who had a difficult childhood.”

I congratulate Taras and Natalia on this vital and useful book!

It should be remembered that people with mental problems are often victims of bullying or its initiators. To understand why people with depression behave and help their friends and family accept themselves, I recommend reading The Chameleon Girl.

The book can be purchased here:Chameleon girl

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