Children's books help children understand themselves


Daria Nevskaya analyzes Norwegian writer Endre Lund Eriksen's children's book “Be careful, Pitbull Terrier!” (Samokat Publishing House, 2017). We read children's books while having fun and empathizing with the characters. But some good books for kids contain recognizable “case studies” that can and should be analyzed with children. A psychological children's book can become a child's friend. It often happens that a child finds in the book the clues he needs at that moment. And it is very important that parents offer their son or daughter a book in time that could lead them to discuss the most important teenage topics (love, friendship, betrayal, bullying, loneliness) that children cannot tell adults about for various reasons. Sometimes children just don't have enough words to describe their feelings and emotions. They don't know the names of the conditions they sometimes find themselves in. The book will help them find the right words to define their emotions as well. Parents, read children's books with your children and discuss the characters' actions! Modern children's books allow you to talk to your child about possible situations that he faces at school, at a summer camp, in a sports club or on a playground, at a classmate's birthday party or at a party. Thanks to these books and the resulting empathy for characters, children will be able to apply some of the book's “cases” to their life situations and, perhaps, this will save someone from taking a rash step and save them from loneliness.

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