November 11 is Anti-Cyberbullying Day


Exactly a year ago, Group established Anti-Cyberbullying Day by publishing its research on online aggression in Russia. The project was supported by more than 20 partner companies.
From Group's analytical note:

  • more than half of Russian Internet users (58%) face online aggression: manifestations of anger and unpleasant comments;
  • the three main reasons for cyberbullying are sexual orientation, non-compliance with beauty standards, and online activity;
  • 5% of witnesses of online aggression blame only the victim for it. 28% tend to blame both the victim and the aggressor, 61% only the aggressor;
  • more than a third of survey participants are convinced that people of any age can be bullied on the Internet. 30% believe that this is for teenagers;
  • 55% of teenagers consider the Internet to be a safe environment. At the same time, when becoming victims of aggression, adolescents are 2.5 times more likely to experience fear than adults;
  • 7% of young people are ready to delete their social media account in response to aggression;
  • Most teenagers (76%) do not tell their parents that they have been victims of online aggression. In such a situation, they are more likely to turn to friends — adults, in their opinion, do not take the problem seriously. Women ask for help slightly more often than men;
  • people face aggression on the Internet more often than in real life, 47% of respondents said this.

The current situation of universal distance learning and remote work is exacerbating the situation of cyberbullying. Children communicate more and more on social media and often receive threats and insults. And they don't know how to respond to online aggression. Parents should warn children about possible aggression on social media. It is necessary to develop various models of behavior with them in a situation of depreciation and bullying. Children should have an idea of how to build secure communication on the Internet. On the site You can find useful tips and advice for children and adults.

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