Bossing is a special type of mobbing. In the case of bossing, behind the scenes of intrigues involving bullying people, there is none other than the “boss” himself—a team leader who, it would seem, should, on the contrary, help create a healthy psychological atmosphere in his “team”.
Bullying (from English bully — bully, brawler, rapist) is psychological terror, beating, harassing one person by another.
Victimization (from the English word victim) is the recognition of violence as the norm when the victim begins to identify with the aggressor (the psychological phenomenon of Stockholm Syndrome).
Cybermobbing is a term that comes from English (from English. Cyber-Mobbing), as well as Internet-mobbing, cyberbullying, which means intentional insults, threats, defamation and the communication of compromising data to others using modern means of communication, usually over a long period of time.
Mobbing (from English mob — crowd) is a form of psychological violence in the form of bullying of a team member by a group of individuals.
The perpetrators of these hooligans, often referred to as “Bullies” or “Mobbers”, operate anonymously so that the victim does not know who the bullying is coming from.
Harassment (tracing paper from the English word harassment) — to oppress, to harass, to harass.